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Parasites..DinarVets, DinarDaddy, Peoplestalkradio

by on May 13, 2011

You name the site and we will find some Parasites as leaders. Here is the funniest part about this whole RV thing; they thought it would happen about 43 weeks ago, predicting it every week, and of course nothing happened. NOW, they are saying today is the day. So what does the average idiot which follows these sites go out and do? They go to DinarBanker and buy more Dinar on Reserve, wasting their Wal-Mart paychecks on this shit only to find out…..NOTHING HAPPENED. Okay, so I’m sorry to those who work at Wal-Mart at least you have a real job. These Parasites running these sites make money off the average idiot visiting their site every day. They make a ton of money in Advertising! If you don’t believe my theory, read my last post…it breaks it down pretty well! Oh and that’s only a small piece of the ad revenue these Parasites have coming in. So if you want to quit your day job, like these guys have all done, then start a Dinar blog, make up lies with fake sources and be an ex Pyramid Schemer, then sit on your ass and watch all the rednecks and retards come to your site demanding information! Believe me….it works! Look at the peoplestalkradio hosts. They sit around and set up conference calls, sell the dream, then boom…………….NOTHING HAPPENS! It never does, but it stirs up more controversy and the next thing you know…you’re buying more dinar. Okay I’m starting to get repetitive here, so I’ll finish it with a statement. The new definition of a Dinar Blogging Parasite is: One who makes up fake stories with fake sources to take advantage of the unintelligent investor.

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  1. corey permalink

    wow! tell us how you really feel dude

  2. Nancy permalink

    listen whether you believe me or not the people running these sites are great guys. I have known a few ot them for years and they have donee noting but help out. this RV will happen and you all will be pissed at yourselfs for not contributing!

    • Sure Nancy…..thanks for your feedback. As much as I appreciate your opinion, I disagree. I wouldn’t mind a fair and balanced site so feel free to stick around. Nothing I’ll say is going to be nice, but I hope you don’t take it personal. They are complete ass clowns with a cult-ish following!

    • graphix permalink

      Nancy, what flavor Kool-Aid are you drinking? gullible grape?

  3. sickoftheshit permalink

    so sick of these fucktards turning everything into a rv.

  4. Fuck tards is pretty accurate. Nancy, I would agree with sickoftheshit. They are fucktards with zero credibility!

  5. sharon f permalink

    i’m new to these sites but it seems like their information is pretty close to the truth. what reason do they have to lie?

    • graphix permalink

      Sharon- Please tell me one thing they’ve predicted that is true? And they lie because they get kick backs from the traders. How about the fact that there are 100s or even 1000s that have sent in a $25 “refundable” reservation for this BS San Fransisco event that may not even happen. How much interest will they make? What happens if the RV happens in a year? If 2000 people sign up that’s $50Gs sitting in an interest bearing account. Don’t you think that could be part of their motivation? In addition to the fact that Dan Atkinson (Checkmate) and Tony Renfrow (TNTdinar) have be accused of fraud. I don’t know, but that seems like a good reason not to believe any spooge that come out of their mouths on a daily basis. Not to mention the fact that I doubt any high level banker or CIA, FBI, UST personnel would have anything to do with a moron that doesn’t know the difference between the word imminent and eminent.

  6. getrichquick permalink


  7. headchopper permalink

    therealmod’s entire article was about their reason to lie. This is what funnels traffic to their site, which leads to advertising revenue.

    Not to mention there’s prolly a little revenue sharing going on with the traders.

    There are a few sites out there whose predictions tend to follow the news coming out of iraq, but I’m not even sure about those anymore either!

  8. Anonymous permalink

    Let’s see. If I could get 1000 people to send me $25 each that would give me $25,000 to buy Dinar. I can buy about 25 million dinar for that amount. If it RV’s at the $5.15 Tony and Dan claim I would then have approximately $125,000,000.00 after cash in. I would then pay back the $25,000.00 and pocket the other $124,000,975.00. Not a bad scam.

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