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by on June 16, 2011

People take this fucking jackoff seriously?

How would anyone in their right state of mind listen to this fuck stick for intel? It’s like trying to explain the use of “there, their and they’re” to some of these rednecks.

Blaino JUNE 16th early morning« on: Today at 08:40:10 AM »[4:00:24 AM] Peachee: [Blaino] This one is a lil harder to read. The best way is to read what you see, and listen to what it says…you’ll figger ut out, I recon![In my best John Wayne] Well Dee-nahr-euns, I been watchin ya fer ah-wile now un I needta ree-mind ya that if, mind ya… I said IF this here Dee-nahr mess gets all haggled out inna cup-ula dahze er so, yer gunna need ta have yer brains straight n yer hands steady so’s ya kin avoid gitten “took ta the Cleaners”. So stay away from too much of that ‘who-hit-John’ till yer goods r safe and yer snuggled up in yer own piece a heaven. Be smart tho, git yerself ah lil help with alla them confounded dee-tails n figgers so’s ya dont wind up pay-in them black hatted hombres with too sharp a pencil, a whole lotta extry fees n such fer whats suh-pozed ta be yourn all-reddy, Pilgrim! Now, as fer them Eye-rack-ees, well Pilgrim, ya watch yer self reel close… like when yer gitten yer first shave after a long drove… an yer skins gone all soft n that under-neath yer beard. Fer a countree with almost no cattle, they sure got themselves a big passle a Bull Shippers… well, biggest I ever seen since the rail head up ta Abilene that one time… Anyway, less-en ya want more trubbel than hav-in a dull knife ata gun fight… ya git smart n ya git yer self an yer goods sum pro-tec-shun… They got this new critter they call a “bizness trust”… I looked ut oh-ver n I tell ya… ut looks purty good ta me… but you kin brush yer own horse. Well, you Pilgrims keep yer powder dry and yer guts cinched up nice n tight lyke I toll ya, n try ta follow theze Cit-ah-zens they tossed in here ta lead ya’s… Cuz they’re a lotta things, and dumb ain’t one of em! Every body else is bringin their brains, may-be … just may-be you outta do likewise, Amigos! Now, saddle up … yer burnin daylight!”

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  1. Randi68 permalink


  2. Tony permalink

    I am even more convinced that Blaino is on CRACK!

  3. Horse biscuits permalink

    And people give thanks for this shit. Apparently, they shit their brains out everyday, roll it into little balls and eat them, so they will have brains for the next day. Fucking oblivious to reality!

  4. graphix permalink

    These fucking retards laugh at the members. They are no better that crack dealers…lower than dog shit on your shoe. I only hope that we can educate some of these retarded monkeys into dumping these sites. Now fucktards Dan and Tony are going to be charging $15 a month…FOR WHAT???? What kind of metal midget would pay to hear lies every Thursday. I just don’t get it and am soooo fucking sick of the bullshit.

    I have a good friend who is still guzzling kool-aid. I can’t shake him.

  5. sanjoy permalink

    Cannot even understand this!

  6. Fuck these guys man! Have you heard the most recent rubbish?? I must make a new post!

  7. M-Dogg permalink

    WTF? Is this guy Draino (oops, I mean Blain0) serious?

    I agree gang, I am sick of the shit…

    This is not even funny anymore!!!

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