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by on June 30, 2011

So a friend of mine posted some comments on PTR tonight. The comments were very elementary and really had more to do with an opinion on RV date than a bash on others.

After a few people lit him up with negative comments he decided to retreat. His email to me read like this:

“All I said was that I did not think the RV was going to happen tonight and that everyone should stop reading into this made up RV date. ”

All the man said was this and guess what!? Within minutes he was messaged multiple times and was even called a racist in a personal message.

Visitors of PeoplestalkRadio – your Gurus have been ranked #1 and #2 most hated people in the Dinar world in our most recent poll. There is a reason for that. They are the filthiest scum to walk the earth. Worse than a bucket of jizz from a 50 person gang bang. Worse than a load I’ve dropped in the toilet after eating 20 white castle burgers. Worse than the slimiest sales guy I’ve ever encountered at a used car lot. Keep buying their stupid fucking subscription. Keep believing these guys are god. Keep believing all the ridiculous shit you hear from them. They are right, and we are wrong!

I’m not only ashamed on you for believing into this I’m saddened by it. Being saddened by an event is like your parents saying they are disappointed in you.

I have never been so angry as I am tonight. Ex-cons turned Dinar Traders. If I was a publicist that would be my headline.

WAIT!!! I am a publicist…….could this be my headline? Could my professional writing bring out the worst in these crooks? It just might. Guess what….it just might!!!

EX-Cons and Convicted Felons turned Dinar Scammers……..

that is more like it!

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  1. Randi68 permalink

    Great stuff!

  2. graphix permalink

    This is unreal! They should rename the site “KoreshTalkRadio: All Bullshit, No Tolerance”

    • Tony permalink

      Good one! Maybe they can set fire to themselves and do everyone a BIG favor!

  3. graphix permalink

    I’m telling you these fuckin’ whack jobs attack you when you lean a hair away from their opinion. They have a mob mentality and protect those skid marks, Dan and Tony, like nobody’s business.

    I’m starting to hate the members as much as Pepper Dan and Superfly.

  4. Pepper Dan permalink

    Unfortunately, I have a relative that is brainwashed in this Charlie Manson cult (PTR). I try calling out on their bullshit everyday but he doesn’t want to hear it.

    Maybe after their made up deadlines have come and passed he’ll get back to reality (If I find out he is paying their subscription or attending that phony event i’ll kick his ass myself).

    I tell him to “put away your Dinars and forget about them, if it RV’s great, if not, big deal! (small risky loss)”. Stop hanging on to every word these ball lickers say.

    I really wish someone will expose these fuckers on national t.v. but I guess their exposure is not as important or exciting as Arnold Schwarzenegger fucking his maid and impregnating her.

  5. graphix permalink

    Pepper Dan…love the screen name! :-/

    I also have a friend who I now call Squeaky Fromme due to the cult-like attachment to these cesspool workers. My friend gets wild when I tear up the airwaves about Dan and Tony.

    And you’re right, the news will not cover this for shit. They’d rather try to duplicate the hype from the OJ Simpson trial by obsessing about that crazy bitch that killed her kid in Florida…Casey Anthony. Enough with that shit already, for chrissakes! Every fuckin’ day we hear about how the body stunk up the trunk of her car. I get it! Move on already! Put her away, have her sit in a hi-volt chair and throw the lever. Fuckin’ Zap, fuckin’ done! Now that’s a smell.

    Before this story was gobbling up the headlines we had the ugliest mofo ever to hold an office, Anthony Weiner, photographing his pecker and tweeting it to unsuspecting women who like tweet–their-twats. Have you ever seen a schnoz bigger than that asshole’s? And, have you even seen an ego bigger than his? And I can say that because I’m from NY. The guy is why people hate NYers.

    OK, back to Pepper Dan and Superfly…let’s keep the heat high and infiltrate, infiltrate, infiltrate!

  6. sickoftheshit permalink

    tonys dipshit brother is sayin he deposited his dinar at BB&T today and they will call him friday and tell him what the new rate is…………………….inbreeding at it finest

  7. M-Dogg permalink

    Iraq’s New Deadline is May 20th, 2012

    Guys I just came across this new information about today’s (June 30th, 2011) supposed day for the Iraqi Dinar.

    The Dinar could possibly RI or RV anytime between today June 30, 2011 and May 20th, 2012!

    Do you have enough patience to wait until May 20th, 2012? That’s the question.

    The Original Link is here at:

    And here is what is states:

    Stabilization of Iraq to Continue for Full Year
    National Emergency with Respect to the Stabilization of Iraq to Continue for Full Year

    Media Note
    Office of the Spokesperson
    Washington, DC
    June 30, 2011

    The United States has completed its evaluation of Iraq’s ongoing efforts to finalize the full and effective transition to a post-Development Fund for Iraq mechanism by June 30, 2011. Recognizing positive developments in this regard, including progress in resolving outstanding debts and claims arising from actions of the previous regime, and in accordance with the President’s May 17, 2011 Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to the Stabilization of Iraq, the President has determined to continue these arrangements for the full twelve month period ending on May 20, 2012.

    As a result, the prohibitions contained in Executive Order 13303 of May 22, 2003, as amended by Executive Order 13364 of November 29, 2004, on any attachment, judgment, decree, lien, execution, garnishment, or other judicial process with respect to the Development Fund for Iraq, the accounts, assets, and property held by the Central Bank of Iraq, and Iraqi petroleum-related products, which are in addition to the sovereign immunity accorded Iraq under otherwise applicable law, will remain in effect until May 20, 2012. Iraq has made significant strides in resolving its outstanding international liabilities and continues to work towards returning Iraq to the international standing it held prior to the Saddam Hussein regime.

    PRN: 2011/1088

  8. Dinarista permalink

    The PTR natives are getting restless! I’m sure this post will be gone by tomorrow.


    Posted Today, 09:25 PM

    [“View Post davet, on 30 June 2011 – 09:13 PM, said:
    You are absolutely spot on, Grip’s wife!! BTW, do you have a name? There’s sure a lot of anonymity here! You guys have my name, email address, ph #.etc! I think you need to realize that you are supporting people that are passing out a lot of hype that is causing a lot of heartbreak. Do you disagree? And don’t telll me I can go elsewhere. Of course I can and do. I frequent many sites for info, this site has bashed other sites because they charged a fee or have advertisement to help pay the bills. I found out about this site in March when it was launched through Dinar Daddy. Tony tore up Roger on a CC, first because Roger referred to Tony, in fun, as the “new Okie”. Tony also made me feel like a sucker for for having paid a one-time $7.95 fee for the text msg alert fot the RV announcements through Dinar Daddy.. Dan and Tony have bashed every site that charged anythng for their services or that had advertisements on their sites to help make ends meet. So, what, are you on the payroll now, Grip’s wife?”]

    trebor : From what I found on the internet, much of accountability will be coming home when the investigations start. Just being a messenger. Anybody can find what I found concerning an upcoming investigation. Gurus can not continue stating they are only messengers. There is an accountability issue if they proceed to pass on information that is true. We can all agree the past several months we have gotten information not true that have supposedly come from congressmen, senators, UST. Seems all gurus are now charging for info even though they have never shown proof of anything they’ve claimed. Even speculative investments require transparency and facts when reporting. I will be watching as this begins to roll.

  9. sickoftheshit permalink


  10. Good I hope they all fucking FRY! I am so glad to hear you posted that shit on PTR. They are scum sucking parasites who don’t deserve our attention. We give it to them because we enjoy calling these fuck-wads out.

    Thank you friends of Dontdrinkthepunch for teaming up and making their lies transparent. After all….they are scam artists. If you look at yourself in the mirror every morning knowing you’re a scam artist….well it has to play out negatively at some point!

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