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In their minds…

by on July 6, 2011

I’ve made the subject of this post “in their minds” for many reasons. I have come to the conclusion that in some of these Gurus minds they actually believe what’s spinning around in their pea-like brain. In their minds we are really ready to cash out for millions of dollars. The CBI rate is going to be 5.25.

Let’s just say it was 3.86 (which it won’t be) then Iraq will have the highest traded currency in the world. Not just in the middle east, but in the entire world! I mean yes they have oil but c’mon, not sure if I buy into that! I find many of their “dates, rates and predictions” to be one fabricated guess after another. It’s very obvious when looking at the scoreboard.

It’s just beyond me that people still hold on to every word these people spit out of their mouths. The boy has cried wolf already! Hell the boy has already been molested by the wolf in his head. It’s beyond ridiculous!

So the big question is……when will this stop? Are we really close to the end of this investment ( I refuse to say ride, because that’s the gayest fucking thing I’ve ever heard)?

Okie made a post yesterday which included a “screen shot” of the rate that was posted. This made all sorts of buzz because it came from a website which made some rate up and configured it to their site. Funny thing is this; I saw that bullshit like 6 months ago and we discovered it was false. Okie was using that as his intel!!! hahahah This instance alone should show you how great his sources really are.

The Conference Calls: Holy shit…where do I start with the conference calls! Why does everyone feel it’s necessary to get on these conference calls and listen to one banking story after another? I heard one the other day (and yes I need material to write about so I often join and listen) that discussed a “high up official” in our financial regulation side who had taken a briefcase and deposited his dinar into a bank and had a voucher for it. Now….this could be true, I am not saying it isn’t, but seriously? It just sounds fabricated! If I had any sort of intel or inside sources I would make one bold statement, without a rate and date, and then let it sit there. Why are you people trying to be the superhero in this whole thing? Tell your friends, family and close connections….BUT why make a site and hold conference calls? Is it really that important that you get credit for something? Did you not get enough attention as a small boy/girl? Please feel free to shoot me a message and I’ll let you join my Wednesday night slowpitch softball league.

I am glad we here at dontdrinkthepunch have been able to bring some reality to this fantasy dinar world. As a few of the great followers of this site have said, “what the hell are these people going to do if they somehow do get rich?”

That is something we’ve all thought about. But if these crack head West Virginian’s have a pot of gold…..I and everyone else should run for the fucking hills! Every Ford, Buick and Chevy dealership within 500 miles of West Virginia will be sold out of cars!

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  1. Dinarista permalink

    Funny you should post this! I was coming over here to shed some like on the evolution of a guru.

    A long-time family friend heard about dinar back in March from his business partner, who heard it from god only knows where. Back then, this friend told us to join PTR and that RV was going to happen within the week. Clearly, he knew just about as much as the other dimwits on there.

    This individual is highly articulate and has been doing a lot of research about dinar (ie, listening to ALL of the calls, reading the articles, etc.). He has literally NO inside knowledge and everything he knows is based on the calls.

    Because he’s able to string more than three words together in a sentence, the PTR crowd suddenly thinks he knows what he’s talking about and have been asking him to share information. I know for a FACT that 100% of his information comes from conference calls, chat, and articles. He isn’t necessarily trying to be a so-called “guru”, but becuase he sounds educated, he’s suddenly becoming a guru.

    And that, my friends, is how a guru is born. Take a college education in business, add some conference calls and a Google search, mix with ignorant morons who are willing to follow anyone, and PRESTO! You have a guru!

  2. Randi68 permalink

    sounds about right! Although a guru in our space is retarded and this guy doesn’t sound retarded

  3. graphix permalink

    Awesome, RealMod! It’s so true that these ass cracks believe every bit of crap that flies out of their mouths. They really are so limited…but only to be outdone by their respective FOLLOWERS.

    And, where do these fucks get off holding conference calls? It’s like intel-crack for the retarded members. They wine and beg for any scrap of bullshit Pepper Dan and Tony can fabricate…day after day. “I need to hear from Check and Tony. Are they having a call? What’s the pin? Check can you calm us down? Thanks for all you do, Check.”

    I listened to one of their calls and when it ended the listeners started screaming like they were at a Stones concert and Mick Jagger flashed his shank. I was like WTF is wrong with these assholes? They said nothing new. In fact, they said nothing! But the morons must all suffer from mental retardation and Alzheimer’s because it was as though they were hearing something totally new for the first time. Just fuckin’ nuts!

    And you’re right, RealMod, the banking stories are just ridiculous. “…the teller looked at me with a look that told me she knew, but couldn’t tell me. She said come back Tuesday and we’ll talk. Her look was very telling, almost painful.” – Her look? Her Look! The teller probably had gas like nobody’s business! She probably just landed a plane in her draws and this retarded PTR moron is asking about the dinar and won’t let it go! Can you imagine being a banker in South Bumfuck, KY, and one of these half-tards walks in and wants to talk about investments? And they’re staring at you like a mental patient? I’d rather stick pins in my eyes.

    It never ends with these fuckturds! Always the bank, the blinking screens, the looks, the whispering, etc., and the retards just want it over and over again.

    God help us all if these mental midgets become rich.

  4. dinar4life permalink

    graphix you are so right! I could not imagine working at a bank and one of these people come in to tell me the dinar is getting ready to RV. I would call it a scam too

  5. sickoftheshit permalink

    just think how many of the retards might work at a bank…….these fucking jizz junkies make me laugh my dick off……and here i was thinking the welfare baby factory, crack smokin obama voters were the stupidest people on earth……..obama voters are smart compared to these bible thumpin, pew jumpin,MLM worshipin, fucktards…….an that aint sayin much……..peace

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