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Prediction 4,084..still wrong!

by on May 19, 2011

So this had to be one of the most entertaining weeks of the year for Dinar Blogs and retards afar. By retards I mean the Mods on,, (dinardaddy) and OH and retards is not meant towards the mentally disabled, I actually care about those people. Retards is a word often used to describe a group of people with shit for brains. This includes all the bible thumping lunatics who swear by the information these puppets unveil. So here is my question; they have been wrong so many times it’s hard to count. The number 4,084 was pulled out of thin air, however, it’s probably not far from the truth. Back when I first started listening to conference calls I took it with a grain of salt. They were so sure of themselves! BUT they always said….no rate and date. NOW look at them! hahahahha….rates and dates every week. They must be getting paid well by dinarbanker, because what’s happening now makes them look like the biggest bunch of cronies I’ve ever seen. Randy Koonce is the only one who uses facts to back up his theory. I respect that. I respect him. But the others are a bunch of hairy vaginas! Zero intel, in it for the money only, and they could care less about the people. They just want money and attention. Listen you dbags….you’re not a celebrity, even to the trailer trash community who loves you. You’re nobody! You have no information which has led to anything and I’m sure you’ll continue to do this until 2013. I find it more and more humorous every day. SO I’m ending the message like this; My intel said that a friends cousins aunts next door neighbor from Washington D.C has been speaking with the treasury dept’s main contractor in Iraq who said RV is imminent. Everyone go out and buy reserves! Sell your furniture, cars and jewelry and buy as much Dinar as you can. It’s imminent!!!!!!!!

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  1. sanjoy permalink

    I am so sick of there excuses. I did go out and buy more dinar based on these guys. any person would do the same based on the confidence of these men. i usually do not write on these types of sites but for this dinar fantasy it is very much worth telling the truth

  2. sickoftheshit permalink

    i laugh my ass off at these fuck wads!! but the fucking idiots that follow them kill me… these dumfucks are sad,watching them defened there LEADERS every monday is a riot…..these have got to be the weakest fucking people on the planet..thats all we need is the weakest links on the planet running around with millions of dollars!!!!!! fuck this shit is funny

  3. sickoftheshit permalink

    7;38 pm thursday……. there saying its done …….. again……the fucks are persistant.

  4. hahhaha i’m laughing at your posts sickoftheshit! these fucking clowns are persistent and i give them that. too many lazy mother fuckers on the earth. they are grinding, scamming and attempting to make some cash by scamming. however, they are working hard and i respect that! okay – so how can we reach a larger group of people? i would love more people to join this forum. we only have about 30 people right now….let’s throw a major wrench in this shit. fuck these thumpers! thoughts?

  5. anonymous permalink

    I listened to a conference call yesterday and they are saying people are cashing out in Dubai. I believe them.

  6. B-O-L-O-G-N-A permalink

    Dinar Banker must be loving this! That crook is probably funding all these lies!

  7. sickoftheshit permalink

    steve just shut the fuckin site down at pd……….he was pissed that his holy rollers were calling the bank he was working with and the bank told him to fuck off ,because all these stupid people were calling non stop…

  8. sickoftheshit permalink

    oh…7.30 pm friday

  9. jester permalink

    now they are saying it’s happening tomorrow. what a bunch of stupid fucks. dinar banker probably has them on the payroll!

  10. headchopper permalink

    Right now on one of the sites, the are all gathering around the Dinar Campfire and telling everyone “be patient” and “Let it come to you!”

    They were excited about some guy on a CC saying “God told him RV by the end of May!”

    Normally, I’m not scared of shit, but the thought of these fucktards having millions truly scares me!!!!

  11. If these fucks have millions…..all hummers, F 150 thru 350s and Corvettes will be sold out! Plus…the double wide market would be saturated….as every one in Kentucky, Arkansas and West Virginia would be on sale. Shit… scares me too!

    • graphix permalink

      LOL!! Holy shit! Every time I read what these half-wits post I think the same thing. As my father in law always used to say “you can’t shine shit”

      • Pretty great quote! I might have to start using that as it pertains to Dinar Dipshits!

        • graphix permalink

          It’s your to use. Consider it my gift to you for starting this site.

  12. headchopper permalink

    Our next business plan: Buy up all of their double-wides, then lease them back to them after they’re all broke. You probably won’t have to hold on to them for more than 3 months or so!!!

    • ha ha ha ha! We would be rich! Wonder what the foreclosure rate on double-wides is right now? My guess is that they are all defaulting on their double-wide payments to purchase more Dinar on reserve.

  13. Psycho Puppy 1 permalink

    Thats a good one. Let’s foreclose on their fishing boats. See what happens next.

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