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Credible Dinar Blogs

by on May 25, 2011

I’ve spent much of my time on this blog talking shit about the bogus dinar sites, dumb-fuck moderators and the overall opinion surrounding an imminent RV.  It’s a ton of fun! It’s an incredible stress reliever and I’d sit around and do it all day if I had the time. Unfortunately most of us don’t. However…..I’ve seen a few people ask if we have dinar and what could potentially happen. I’ve provided my two cents, but they are all opinions based on information I’ve read. I only take credible information! That’s it.

So if you are interested in reading a piece by someone who has done their homework, I’m providing a link to his (no profit) blog right now:

The post at the very top speaks about opinions, but based on facts. Long read but a very great read at that.

Would love to get anyone’s thoughts on that post. I thought it was one of the best written opinions out there and seemed realistic.

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  1. nancy permalink

    will do thanks

  2. corey permalink

    I have read this before and it is very complicated. my husband said it was a great blog post as well. i will take his word for it

  3. B-O-L-O-G-N-A permalink


  4. jester permalink

    great read tks for sharing

  5. Anonymous permalink

    Excellent and very grounded. The same reason I like Randy Koonce…all of the conclusions are based on research and facts. Of course I wish he felt it would RV at a higher rate, but the $4 – $8 rates always seemed like a pipe dream.

    I’m wondering when he thinks this may happen and if the GOI being completely seated has any bearing on a reval. Inflation is up a bit this month, but I’m not exactly sure (April 5.7%) what is true anymore. I’m trying to cleanse myself from all the toxic untruths I’ve been hearing from PTR, Planet Dinar, etc. Got to shake that shit off so I can begin researching on sites like this and Iraq Currency Watch, Randy Koonce, etc.

    I really appreciate this blog…what a breath of fresh air. And, you can toss in a curse here and there and not be scolded and banished to hell from the douchebag bible thumpers that, quite honestly, give me the creeps.

    Okay, sorry for the rambling and thanks again.

    • graphix permalink

      Excellent and very grounded. The same reason I like Randy Koonce…all of the conclusions are based on research and facts. Of course I wish he felt it would RV at a higher rate, but the $4 – $8 rates always seemed like a pipe dream.

      I’m wondering when he thinks this may happen and if the GOI being completely seated has any bearing on a reval. Inflation is up a bit this month, but I’m not exactly sure (April 5.7%) what is true anymore. I’m trying to cleanse myself from all the toxic untruths I’ve been hearing from PTR, Planet Dinar, etc. Got to shake that shit off so I can begin researching on sites like this and Iraq Currency Watch, Randy Koonce, etc.

      I really appreciate this blog…what a breath of fresh air. And, you can toss in a curse here and there and not be scolded and banished to hell from the douchebag bible thumpers that, quite honestly, give me the creeps.

      Okay, sorry for the rambling and thanks again.

  6. Tellurider permalink

    I’m in agreeance with the last post. Very grounded and based on facts! This place will my new forum for posting as long as there are some Dinar opinions and not all making fun of the other sites. The comments are funny but I need some where to go to talk dinar

  7. jester permalink

    How many people on this blog forum have been members of Peoples Talk Radio and Peoples Dinar?

  8. graphix permalink

    I was a PTR member but was banned when I sounded off about nothing ever happening when SpellCheck Dan said it would. The sheeple got very antsy when I questioned the “leaders” (WTF!) and they became like sharks in a feeding frenzy and attacked me. The mods (Elsie, Grip’s Wife, DinarDouche, Scumbag, and ToothlessDinar, etc., just to name a few) swoop in an ban anyone that has an IQ above 65.

  9. I agree with graphix, a total breath of fresh air here. I’ve never posted on a Dinar-related site before. Got brought into this whole thing back in March, but only bought in for what I could afford to be without for a long period of time (which isn’t really much at my age).

    No more pumping. No more bull shit. The reality is this is a risky speculation that has a very small chance of panning out.

    • graphix permalink

      Hey Harpua…welcome aboard and please let it fly! I have a feeling you can hold your own here and rip them a new bore hole. This is why I turned you on to this site.

    • Welcome Harpua…I’m telling you right now you can say anything and everything you want here. We may not have strong intel from “inside”sources, but no one really does. All I can do is facilitate conversations and try and uncover those who have done research. Marcus Curtis and sometimes Randy Koonce are the only two who have relevant information. They’ve studied the markets, laws and legislation in Iraq. Other than that, everyone is a scam artist from some ponzi scheme.

  10. I think the best way to ensure that your Iraqi Dinar is revalued is to get real drunk, eat it and then, you know, let it “pass.” It will then have a new value.

    Thanks for the welcome. I’m glad there are some level-headed peeps out there associated with this. I was starting to worry that I was involved with some Rapture-like B.S.

  11. graphix permalink

    Harpua – I like the idea of ingesting the dinar and perhaps dumping the band on Dan (I Seen It) CheckMate’s head!

  12. getrichquick permalink

    Steve said it will rv on 5/27/11 and if not he was 200% sure that it will rv before the end of May.

  13. headchopper permalink

    Anyone notice he’s standing next to a plane?
    He’s gonna need that motherfucker once his 30,000 members realize he’s a bullshit slinging douchebag!!!!

    • headchopper permalink

      I bet there are gonna be some pissed of rednecks saying
      Thanks Steve!!!

  14. getrichquick permalink

    He said it’s DONE DEAL I hope you know Steve want lie to us!!!

    • headchopper permalink

      That’s right!! He’s a man of God!!! With morals and shit!!!

    • he’s a Man of God! He never lies……he’s just fucking retarded, that’s different

  15. jester permalink

    I’m still a member and like to see all sites for information. However PTR has way too many videos and songs going on. It can really be distracting.

  16. getrichquick permalink

    Man if Steve was reading this he kick your asses off of this blog.

    • graphix permalink

      where are you from man? Don’t you know how to use verbs? Or are you a waitress in a Chines restaurant? What gives Sum Dum Fuk? “Steve reading this he kick your ass…” WTF!

  17. sickoftheshit permalink


  18. I’m sure SteveI has a dick in his mouth right now so he can’t speak. I’ll speak for him…. God said the Dinar will RV. God wants Americans to be rich. God wants Americans to drive nice cars and have nice things. Therefore RV is imminent.

    • headchopper permalink

      Hey fuckers!! God does want me to be rich!!! Because he loves me!!!

  19. Okcthunder permalink

    I thought this was America, Jack___s!!
    Everybody has a right to their opinion or have you all got so drunk on ‘O’s’ socialism koolaid that you’ve forgotten that??
    If Anyone puts their personal opinion out there, it’s their choice. If you don’t like it, turn the damn dial!!!
    If you don’t believe in the investment, FINE!!! If you do, FINE!!!
    You guys obviously have issues. Maybe you can go sue your parents for not loving you enough. Ha ha ha.
    Get a life!!!!

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