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Why? Because Blaino said so….

by on May 27, 2011

Big news everyone….Blaino is predicting an RV today! Blaino never picks days and rates so he must be right! I’m really amazed by these people. Day after day they do this to the sheeple of Dinar forums. If it isn’t Dan or Tony scamming someone it’s Poopie, Okie and now Blaino. Funds running low for the holiday weekend? You need some additional cash from Dinarbanker? Let me guess…..all of the above. Will everyone reading this do me a favor: go take a loan against your house/car whatever you can get your hands on. Then buy as much dinar on reserve as you can. Hell sell your kids to sweat shops if possible. Blaino is so connected to solid contacts in Iraq he must be right! Hahahahahaha fucking unreal. These people are either that dumb or this persistent.

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  1. Dinarman permalink


  2. jester permalink

    Where did he say this? Hasnt Blaino predicted this before?

  3. RichQueensnastyvag permalink

    I wonder what deceitful bullshit the websites are gonna muster up this weekend! Maybe the CIA will shut them down for revealing too much information! LOL!

  4. graphix permalink

    The GET team had an emergency CC last night at 3:00 am. These guys are unreal! They claim that Maliki announced the RV but said he’d be back later to announce the rate later. So now we have to wait for the next announcement because why…did Maliki forget what rate he wanted? Did he get a call from Dan who asked him to hold off on rate until we get 5000 more reserve orders from the sheeple on PTR? Or, this is bullshit? Well all the douche bag numbnutzes will be cashing their Cracker Barrel checks and running to the local ford dealer to slap a 25K dinar note down on brand new (barely used) Geo Prizm…then back to PTR and PD chat room to talk about it with toasting emoticons and weeeeehaaaaa’s and hooooraaaaaays and GoooooooooRvvvvvvvvvv!

    I’m going to venture a guess that most of these turds were dropped on their soft spots when they were ankle biters.

  5. graphix permalink

    Here is the chat


    1:19 AM [Blaino] Maliki has spoken. He has stated that today (there) the IQD will be restored to a value higher than before the occupation, and be a frontrunner among all currencies in the world. No rate or value was given. He alluded to it (rate) coming out today, Friday in Iraq.
    1:19 AM [NCricket] where is merrymay and her depends…she was suppose to be selling them to the room……!!!!!
    1:19 AM [nav] Awesome!
    1:19 AM [little peg] mchappy OMG – panites lol
    1:19 AM [dimples] cheerio lol
    1:19 AM [ObieWan] Praise the Lord!
    1:19 AM [Mustlovedogs] alluded to?
    1:19 AM [dinarmaven] Thank you Lord
    1:19 AM [mchappy] OMG!!!
    1:19 AM [pcbguy] You have confirmed this Blaino 150%
    1:19 AM [TWinTexas] Blaino OMG OMG OMG OMG…hard to believe that this could actually be true
    1:19 AM [morocho007] woooohoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
    1:19 AM [wizkid3] Blaino Awesome! That’s a pretty bold statement
    1:19 AM [dinarcurious] Whoo hooo!!!!

    • Classic! How fucking dumb do you have to be? I love the “OMG OMG OMG” and “Praise the Lord!” These fuck jobs are brainless

  6. graphix permalink

    It gets better and better

    5-27-2011 Guru Checkmate Last night was an antrocity to the dinar world…frustrating… Positively did not RV last night…Maliki did speak but did not mean or say that it RVed…Song sources in Iraq say no news on the street…person I personally know is buying billions of dinar today–same price…no change

    Maybe Dan can tell us what an ANTROCITY is. Anyone want to take a stab at this word?

  7. sickoftheshit permalink

    this is going to be one hellava weekend watching these idiots beggin for guru jiz……these fuckwagons wont sleep a wink all weekend………….keep watching forex and cbi websites 24 hours a day douchebuckets…………………..priceless

  8. sickoftheshit permalink

    antro-city……………………… a city for retro ants?

  9. Horse biscuits permalink

    I think it’s time to contact the FBI and discuss rates such as 10-20 years. These sites are obviously pumping dinar. I wonder the number of reserve orders per month that are not finalized, free money for TY and kick back money for the Guru’s in my opinion.

    • Anonymous permalink

      I bet you’re right. A lot of these half-wits put reserves in because these douche bag pumpers make it seem imminent (well eminent if you’re Dan from PTR)

    • We all know that Ty is in bed with these fucks. Paying them off to shut the fuck up and predict dates and rates every week. Has anyone heard what is new on these forums? Any new predictions?

  10. Fuckedup permalink

    These sites are not cool. Fuck the gurus

    • M-Dogg permalink

      Yeah fuck ’em all.

      And fuck the dealers too if they’re in on these under-the-table IQD “pumping schemes”. I don’t trust ’em any more!

      The banks just better transfer money into my bank accounts whenever this exotic currency Re-Values (RV’s) or is Re-Instated (RI’s).

      I actually hope that it RI’s instead of RV’s because then it would return to Iraq’s pre-war rate of $3.22 and we won’t be taxed. I don’t know if that is all the way factual but I heard it from a seemingly educated person awhile back.

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