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Well here we are again

by on May 31, 2011

Good morning friends of Dontdrinkthepunch! I hope everyone had a great holiday and you didn’t go out and buy more reserves based on those dipshits saying they are sure it’s 99.9% done. If you would have done this type of dumb move you would end up in a trailer park along with the rest of them.

I apologize for not writing anything over the weekend. For those of you who give a shit….I felt that enjoying the holiday and not bashing these fuck jobs was a better source of entertainment. But we’re back so now it’s time to start fucking with them again.

Not sure if everyone heard about their misinterpretation of Maliki’s speech. This was the dumbshit Blaino and his prediction on Friday.

Always hilarious to see them being wrong and going as far as saying cash in on Tuesday. How do you go from a speech to cashing in on Tuesday?

Well I’m going to leave it up to everyone else to give their two cents and be creative….because it’s like shooting fish in a barrel with these redneck retards! Never right…never honest……yet more people hang on to every thing they say. Anyone else almost amused by this shit?

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  1. graphix permalink

    OK, so I was banned from SpellCheck and Leroy Brown’s site on Friday evening. I posted a link to this site a bajillion times in the chat rooms and the sheeple went crazy. It was like the pilot dropping leaflets on the Japs just before we nuked the shit out them. One last ditch effort I thought, to educate the masses on how they’re being scammed and rammed up the poop shoot by these dick wads. The mods get very uppity and self righteous as though they are protecting the retards from danger. They pulled me out of chat and asked my what my intentions were. My intentions? WTF! I was like… listen douche bag, I’m not looking for their hand in marriage, I’m trying to show these dumb chimps that you and your “leaders” are fucking them out of their trailer rent! Enough with the emoticon frenzies about how rotten I was for dumping shit on their heads. The combined IQ of these night-lights doesn’t equate to that of a newborn chimp! They are hopeless cases. Let them get banged for all I care.

    • ha ha ha ha! Great work! This is one of your better posts Graphix. I’m sure they are hell bent on finding answers now. We should have put it this way “My intentions are for your site and others to get shut down due to your lack of real information” You are taking advantage of people with a brain the 1/3 the size of normal people. Oh and we want people to be aware that they are being lead by a bunch of Multi-Level Marketing fucktards with shit-for-brains!

      • graphix permalink

        I’ll get back in…just for laughs and to see if they’ve improved their spelling. Dumb fucks have no idea. I’ll drop another nuke before the week’s out.

  2. sanjoy permalink

    they are really becoming quite the cult. many people are angry about there predictions and many people are getting banned from the forums. I try & check all these sites for information.

  3. dynastyFL permalink

    Why are the mods angry about you posting this link? It is an opinion site just like this

    • graphix permalink

      The mods get very authoritative if you so much as whisper anything that questions the “leaders”…i.e. SpellCheck Dan (who is the offspring of a slobbering bulldog and a teenage hillbilly from Appalachia) and MLM Tony. The only opinion permitted is that of the leaders…it’s similar to Nazi Germany, 1939. Just go in their chat room and read the conversations. And, BTW, there is nothing above first grade level being discussed. Girl Scout meetings have more substance than these chat rooms. Which is why it was outrageous to think the “three letter agencies” were monitoring these chat rooms. Maybe for laughs or getting the inside track on how retards communicate with keyboards.

  4. notfindingjesus permalink

    It seemed like Blaino had good intentions because he did hear M’s speech, however he had no right to say they were cashing out on Tuesday. This is not true at all and everyone should have seen it coming

  5. sickoftheshit permalink


  6. Horse biscuits permalink

    Another RV pump based on yet another misinterpreted speech and then another gag order from “special people” for 48 hours. What amazes me is the amount of people holding on to homes, cars, etc by a thread who are on the edge of a breakdown but will buy a reserve from their remaining grocery money. This is truly an addiction for some based on horrible decision making skills, dinar whores!

    • What is even worse is that the same MODS who keep predicting it and holding conference calls are the same ones saying don’t buy more! If they truly didn’t want the “tards” to buy more then they wouldn’t hold conference calls and would make statements on their site. Fact of the matter is this…….they want people to keep buying reserves. I am telling you this; these people are crooked! VERY VERY untrustworthy

  7. M-Dogg permalink

    Ahhh, I am so glad that I am not a Dinar Slut like most of these people on the other forums!!!

    I love this site and thank you for putting it together. I’ve read every post and I’ve been laughing hard as hell for like 20 minutes straight (LMFAO)!!!

    Honesty is what this world needs; it can cure all dis-ease.

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