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CheckRATE = 5th Grader?

by on May 31, 2011

Hello friends & enemies of Dontdrinkthepunch. As you know CheckRATE or Checkmate or Stalemate….whichever you prefer to call him is absolutely fucking brain-dead! The guy has absolutely no understanding of the English language. I find it highly unlikely that this tard has any connections outside of people in Pyramid Scheme Marketing and or his Prison cell mates from the past. Would anybody high up in the Government or Military be friends with such a scam artist? I was forwarded this new post that CheckRATE put into his site. Find it hilarious….look at his spelling at the bottom! ha ha ha…..hey CheckRATE, is it piece or peace? hmmmmm

Are you smarter than a 5th grader? Would love to see you on that show…..would be more entertaining than making fun of you on here!


“Dr.’s – Holiday RV prediction!

I just had a short minute, wanted to stop in and let you here the RV news.

Nothing has really changed, everyone is still saying in the next day or so,…..BLA, BLA, BLA,…… :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

We are still waiting on the delivery, the Doctor says we are very close.

Dr. said earlier today that she is dilated 7 centimeters, the water has broken and this baby is about to start SCREAM-EN!!

Word from the WISE!

Enjoy your night of piece and pray It’s one of your last as it is going to be CRAZY when this is over!


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  1. outofoffice permalink

    I have heard others on that site say they are millionaires but know do not know how to spell. Does not seem like that to me!

    • sanjoy permalink

      it is because they are entrepreneurs not English teachers

  2. outofoffice permalink

    Sure. Because they sit around and make false rates and false dates they are now entrepreneurs? Sounds phony

  3. graphix permalink

    OK, I’m going line by line with this one.

    …..“Dr.’s – Holiday RV prediction!….I think douche bag Dan means doctors prescription. Doctors don’t predict they prescribe.

    …”I just had a short minute, wanted to stop in and let you here the RV news…”
    Dan, is there such a thing as a long minute? This sentence was assembled by Helen Keller.

    …”Nothing has really changed, everyone is still saying in the next day or so,…..BLA, BLA, BLA,…… ”
    Actually everyone is saying blah, blah, blah to you mother fucker!

    …”We are still waiting on the delivery, the Doctor says we are very close”
    Dr. said earlier today that she is dilated 7 centimeters, the water has broken and this baby is about to start SCREAM-EN!!”
    – OK, now the RV is his baby and it’s crowning and will be screaming soon. The word is screaming Dan, not scream-en. What the fuck does scream-en mean?

    …”Word from the WISE!”
    -The saying is word to the wise…word TO the wise. Get it dog face? And sorry Dan the only thing wise about you is the bag of greasy chips with your $5 dollar foot long sandwich from the local gas station.

    …”Enjoy your night of piece and pray It’s one of your last as it is going to be CRAZY when this is over!”
    -OK, there’s a lot wrong with this sentence… “pray it’s one of your last”…last what, dick head? Last night alive? Last night we have to read your grammar abortions? What? And…”night of piece” as in what? Piece of ass? You are as dumb as a piece of hot and steamy dog shit.

    CheckMate,…. ”
    AKA CellMate

    • TheBlindLegend permalink

      That shit is off the chain funny! it’s high time that someone begins exposing these sorry ass people for who they really are… I’m certainly going to check back often so that I can laugh my ass off some more as you lay the smack down on those bitches!

  4. M-Dogg permalink

    Holy shit graphix you are too funny man! I need to tell all of my Dinar buddies about this site you put together.

    You are just speaking the honest facts about the endless predictions that these people continue to make. It just doesn’t make any sense at all why people keep listening to them week after week and getting the same damn result every time!

    It’s funny yet something that seriously needs to stop, you know what I mean?

    When I wake up in the morning from my wonderful rest I am coming back to this site and reading these posts again and again before I start my day and to get me a good laugh in…LOL!!!

    Thank you for this Blog man — thank you!!

    • graphix permalink

      Don’t thank me, man, thank therealmod…he started this shit. I’m just blowin’ off some steam and I too am grateful that I can unload on these toothless jackasses.

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