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Can’t stop posting

by on June 3, 2011

Hey dumb shits –  read my last two posts tonight. However, I can’t stop posting due to emails I have been receiving regarding the PTR fuck nuts!

This post down below is a response from a PTR member about PTR not making money.

“I am glad you are doing well with your web-based business; however, you are incorrect in your statement. The only money that Dan and Tony bring in from this website is a donation to the site from 1 advertiser in the amount of $300/month. That hardly makes a dent in the thousands they put out every month to keep this website going.

This website as a business is not successful from a “making money” stand-point. The only success comes from helping members to understand this roller-coaster ride and to help ease those minds of people that may let go of their IQD or lose their new found wealth post RV… and btw, this was and is the only purpose for Peoples Talk Radio.”

1st Question: How do you know that’s all they make? Because they told you so? If you robbed a bank are you going to tell everyone why you have 10 rolex’s?

2nd Question: Your statement “This website as a business is not successful from a making money stand point” – not only does this sound like retard/short bus rhetoric but you are WRONG!!!! You don’t have a site built (this site is free), you don’t have conference calls, you don’t have meetings in San Francisco, you don’t have Ads on your site, you don’t have Dinar Banker codes unless you want to make money!!!! ARE YOU THAT FUCKING STUPID!!!!???? You might be the single dumbest person on the fucking earth. Are you from Alabama, West Virginia or Arkansas? Single or Double Wide?

Honestly people, I have never seen such a stupid group of people in one place in my entire life. Let me guess…you are all voting for Sarah Palin for president? Wouldn’t fucking surprise me! The retard doesn’t even know her continents!

I hate PTR…I hate everyone who follows them and more importantly I hate people who fall for everything.

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  1. Fuckedup permalink

    Lol lol this is the best post yet. They simply don’t get it

  2. Randi68 permalink

    This shows the intelligence level of the average person visiting PTR and PD.

  3. sanjoy permalink

    My guess is they were born in West Virginia and moved to Arkansas

  4. graphix permalink

    They are so desperate to get rich that they will believe anything and everything Dan and Tony say. I have never been in such close proximity to this many retarded zombie-like people. Their blind adoration for two con artists is absolutely mind boggling. Nothing (I mean absolutely nothing) these clowns say is ever -EVER!- questioned. For me the San Fran event is a win-win for them. If it never RVs, they have all the money from ass wipes that signed up…do the math…$25. x 5000 +/- and growing daily. If it does RV they will have 1000s of retards gathering with tons of money and ripe for being fucked royally by one of their MLM/pyramid scams. Most of these people will be broke in less than a year if they “follow” PTR, because Dan and Tony will rape the shit out of them and wipe them out.

    So far PTR has made tons of $$ with advertising and site traffic. They also have been pandering webinars and claim they make nothing form the Anderson Law Group for putting 5000 retards in front of a computer for 12 hours at a cost of $130. Do the math people! Now they are selling the DVDs for another $100+ bucks. These guys need to be stopped and WE have to do everything possible to end their reign of scamming the unsuspecting retard. Expose them as much as you can. Pass along the truth. And I don’t mean the truth as it relates to God or the bible. This is an investment not bible talk 101. That shit gives me the shakes. Talk about fucked up.

    I am so in agreement with therealmod here. I fucking hate PTR and cannot believe how many people are swooning at the very sound of their voices. It makes me nuts!

  5. Randi68 permalink

    ha ha great work you have done here! I am shocked by your ability to label each guru. I hate even calling them gurus because they know zilch!

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