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An email I received

by on June 3, 2011

Tonight I received an email from a member of Peoplestalkradio. Apparently one member stated some facts regarding RV’s which have occurred in the past in other countries. Everyone immediately started “bashing” this member and told him he was a phony and a negative etc etc etc.

SERIOUSLY!? A person states some facts and then a couple fuck tards with an IQ of 14 start trashing them? That is a bit unfair don’t you think? Believe me….I will trash you if you write on this site, but you can say anything you want and if it’s reasonable enough I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. But to trash someone for facts! Are you fucking kidding me.

I haven’t seen a group of people this brainwashed since Waco! This url links directly to the people of PTR:

Check it out! They are fucking crazy.

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  1. sanjoy permalink


  2. Fuckedup permalink

    This is as close to a cult I have evr seen. Whacko s

  3. graphix permalink

    I’m telling you this is something I’ve never experienced before. But I can tell you this, there was a man named Jim Jones back in the 70s and he managed to talk a bunch of freaks into giving everything up to move to Guyana…all in the name of God. Then they all had a liquid picnic and drank cyanide laced Kool-Aid.

    For some reason Dan, Tony, and SteveI remind me of this fucking kook!

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