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MLM Scam

by on June 3, 2011

Well its official….those on Peoplestalkradio are posting their thoughts on the site not being an MLM scam. The fact that people are talking about it means something……it is a question mark in their head!

First of all you stupid fucking PTR sheeple; I never said that Peoplestalkradio was an MLM scam…never once did I say that. What I did say is this; the people who run that site are MLM scammers. They are duping all of you who visit their site. NO you are not willingly giving them money out of your own pocket. Even that stupid conference in San Francisco has nothing to do with it (although you get your money back once it RV’s and if it never Rv’s then you lost your cash).

What you fucking retards don’t realize is this; by going to their site and supporting the made up RV talk, you are increasing traffic to their site. This traffic increases their ad revenue and more importantly drives people to DinarBanker. If they don’t make money off DinarBanker, then why do you type in a code that says PTR to receive $10 off for every 1 million dinar purchased? Think about it people. Everyone visiting PTR should demand that the dinarbanker discount be removed. See how Dan & Tony & Cagetrucker (whatever the fuck that means) react. They’ll probably blow a load in their pants thinking about it. Keeping people excited/scared is all based on perception. If the people perceive an RV as being imminent or right around the corner, well they will listen to your every word. This is exactly how they are taking advantage of you.

My last thoughts of the night are this:

What if there was no dinar blog to get information? Would you really go out and buy more dinar? The answer is plain and simple……no! What these people do is use you!      They use the fake excitement created from these sites to provoke you (the dumbass) to go out and buy more dinar. It’s all based on 2 things: 1.) not wanting to miss out on an opportunity and 2.) excitement from calls/posts from their site

Does it not strike you as strange that no one in the financial world is talking about Iraqi Dinar as being a great investment? NO ONE! And I am not referring to a fake blog post from some made up site like PTR.

Again, this is not an MLM scam. This is an internet scam. An internet scam perpetrated by a couple of ex-cons whose past career experiences were MLM companies.

Just to make you feel better about yourself.. a lot of us own dinar on this site, including me. I do not feel like the Dinar is a scam. I feel like we could make a decent profit in a few years. BUT I do not feel we will be overnight millionaires, nor will we ever make millions of dollars off a couple thousand dollar investment.  STOP DREAMING! It ain’t happening. If it’s too good to be true, then it is. Remember that people. Stop wasting your time supporting these two MLM crooks and spend more time with your family and enjoying the present. The next thing you know, you’ll be broke, hopeless and your years will be spent thinking about what could have been.

What do Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerburg and Mark Wahlberg have in common besides being named Mark?

1.) Yes they are all rich

2.) But more importantly they are all entrepreneurs!

They all made money on their own. Do you think these guys sat around and waited for the Iraqi Dinar to revalue so they could enjoy their life? FUCK NO. They didn’t sit their lazy asses behind a computer and wait for some ex-convicts to offer up intel! They went out there and did it themselves.

You fucktards need to get off your lazy fucking asses and figure out a way to make your own money and not depend on two MLM ex-cons to predict your future. Live your own life and stop following the footsteps of criminals. Just in case you want to learn a thing or two about your GURU MOD Tony…here is a great youtube video to learn how to make millions by scamming people.

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  1. vin permalink

    nice work and nice video. makes you wonder a bit more about the whole dinar feud

    • There is no feud….there is the truth and some people are unwilling and unable to tell it. I may not be 100% right on anything I believe in, but at least I tell you that. Think for yourself!

      • Mr. Finkersnickle permalink

        What is MLM?

        • Multi-Level-Marketing….i.e – Pyramid Scams/Network marketing.

          Selling Juice and building levels underneath you.


          • Mr. Finkersnickle permalink

            Thanks. The guy in the video is a total scammer.

            “I’m looking for leaders………….

            What a load of shit!!

      • Ken J. permalink

        Dude this is 07/07/2013 you have been very right. These bastards have soaked my friends and mostly retard Florida neighbors for huge sums. As hard as I’ve tried to explain to the brainwashed ,Ive only been kicked .So I just sold my last 10 25k notes to one for the $250 I paid. Tommorow is the 8th July 2013 and the most[if you can believe it] touted RV for certain in 10 years and I dumped.They’re pitying me. Fuck-em were’nt good friends anyway. Figured out 4 years ago no one outside Iraq would be allowed to cash. I’ll bet on that and whack the zeros 2014-spring. Believe it or not I think your saving lives and relationships,not that you care but it is the end result.P.S. original stuck a little longer ,coming back.As taxes increase or temperature decrease I.Q. rises. Facts are stubborn. Thanks,keep pounding these roaches.

  2. dinarspam permalink


  3. sanjoy permalink

    are we allowed to sign up for alerts from this site? anyway this post is so so close to the truth. you are so right on therealmod. your excessive use of curse words is funny but the content really does make sense. thank you for your honestyy

    • Honestly Sanjoy I have no clue. I have never operated a blog before. I just came to this place and made a blog and started posting. I would like to allow others to start their own posts but I’m not 100% sure how to do it. I’ll look into it so you can have fun when I’m working or hanging with my family

  4. OU812 permalink

    It has been a few weeks since I have been on this site. I literally sat down and read every post and comment. Y’all are having some fun here. I’m sad to see some of this news because I too own IQD but you are probably right. I hope you are wrong but I have to think the worst

    • I might be wrong….I’ll admit it. I’m wrong every single day, but never as wrong as these guys. I never would predict an RV. Hell I wouldn’t predict much of anything expect for those Gurus being wrong

    • Tony permalink

      There is NOTHING wrong with the IQD investment itself, it’s the Liars and cheats that profess to have “Intel” is where the problem lies with this investment. They are the ones that have created the perception that it is a “SCAM”. The only SCAM is what they are doing to people…PERIOD, NUFF SAID!

  5. Christina permalink

    Is this really the same Tony who is on PTR?

  6. sanjoy permalink

    ok just wondering. GO MAVS!

  7. Anonymous permalink

    this video should show how fake those sites are. they are either obsessed with god predicting the RV or guarantee their Intel is from the greatest source. None of which is accurate. I’m so sickened by this behavior

  8. Idiots! Fucking idiots. Everyone go to these sites and sign up for screen names. Watch the behavior of other members and don’t tell me I told you so

  9. Fuckedup permalink

    Wow this video is scary. This Tony guy sounds like a fake.

  10. M-Dogg permalink

    Screw all these clowns!!!

  11. DolphinLady permalink

    Amen! Couldn’t have said that better myself. Tired of their bullshit predictions and fabricated “intel”. Great read!

    Go eat a human hotdog Tony!

    • graphix permalink

      Dolphin Lady…no relation to the other DolphinLady, right?

    • is this dolphinladys dirty vagina, who hates PTR?

    • Tony permalink

      I agree, the Intel is completely fabricated, but the “stories” are starting to get so absolutely ridiculous that they don’t even make any sense. Not that they ever really did!

  12. graphix permalink

    Check out this post from last month. It’s old but it went unnoticed as to how they will stop at nothing to lather up the masses.

    5-17-2011 Guru Checkmate …”Got info last night saying you guys need to be careful…we are limited on what we can say…they scared me enough to shut my mouth…watch the news that took place in the last 4 to 5 days…most unbelievable thing since the twin towers…”

    This has to be one of the most outrageous claims that this dick bag has ever made! How dare this ignorant, common, white-trash, piece of shit compare something as minor as the arrest of a banker to 9/11. This was a turning point for me. To think he could equate some French prick (IMF) getting arrested for assaulting a chamber maid, to 3000 people being murdered is just out-and-out un-fucking-real. I’m from NY and know a lot of people that were directly affected by the events of that day. This arrest was NOT the “most unbelievable thing since the twin towers.” This is a true indicator of what a callous fuck this animal is. Nothing is off limits or sacred. Sociopath is the clear definition of this sack of dog shit.

    I’m on fire today, for some reason. I’m just sick and tired of the fact that they are still in business, still pumping, still lying, and still adored and followed. How is this even possible?

    • So fucking true! I love that you’re on fire today, because that’s how I felt last night. I’ll let you take the lead today……FUCK Checkrate or Cellmate however you want to look at him. He’s a sociopath with a false understanding of life and respect for others.

    • Ken J. permalink

      Easy for me to say 2 years late but if it saves $10 bucks -it’s a scam. Tommorow is the biggest RV date ever. Never happen .The notes held out of country will never be worth 75% of what you paid 7/7/2013.I guru this RV eve. V=vendetta. dump or fly in country-your only 2 choices. Avoid heights when alone.

  13. jeff permalink


    why have you stopped posting , I figured these assholes out 3 years ago , wish I found this site awhile back . We have much in common my friend !!!

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