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Who drank the punch?

by on June 14, 2011

So for shits and giggles I’ve ventured off to some of these sites who have been saying the RV is done, and it will show on Monday. By Monday I mean yesterday, not this coming Monday. However…..we all know how this game works; when a time doesn’t hit (even when they are 99.99999999999999% sure it will happen on Monday) what is the excuse now?

What is the definition of credibility? How about: the quality of being believed or trusted

These people have guaranteed something over and over. They’ve named dates, rates and guarantees however nothing has ever came true.

Why do stupid people still believe in these weasels? I’m so sick of hearing and even writing about these people because it’s becoming embarrassing.

When I think of credibility I think of people who have earned my trust. Earned my trust because things they say come true or are true. I’m making this a quick post, but I’m simply wondering how a group of people follow a group of arrogant liars who never have accurate information.

Sometimes people hold on to hope. They want a better life or more money. Sometimes you buy a lottery ticket for a $200 million jackpot and you have that hope you might be the one. Realistically you know it’s highly unlikely.

People this is the same thing! Stop hoping something will happen based on people who have zero credibility.

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  1. Tony permalink

    I wish someone would turn off the supply to the “punch” faucet, because now people are falling over themselves to pay these SCAMMERS a monthly fee to obtain the “inside” information that NEVER pans out!

    WOW!! These people (sheep) are seriously deluded! Sure glad I figured out the “REAL” agenda of these (convicted sex offender and MLM scammer) criminals out before it was too late!

  2. Horse biscuits permalink

    Oddly enough, I invested in the dinar before I found these pumper websites. Now that I have disengaged from the hype and lies, I find it easy to simply leave the currency in the closet and live life. Take the emotion, or in essence the emotional rollercoaster, out of the equation and it is simply an investment with high risk, once again and the Guru’s are a moot point. Cheers!

    • M-Dogg permalink


      One must Disengage from the madness.

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