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Seriously you dumb fucks?

by on June 27, 2011

So my commenting is going to be short and sweet with hopes we can focus on the real inbreds at hand. PTR is at it again. After reading this next post I hope someone realizes just how stupid these people really are.

They actually think calls are being tapped! hahahha!!!

I could sit and laugh at this post all day however I’ll let you all be the judge of their intelligence.  The worst part about it – people actually agree with this trailer trash!


“I’ve noticed in the last couple of weeks that when I am talking on my cell phone, I sometimes hear a rhythmic tick, tick, tick, tick which occurs about every one and a half seconds and always equally spaced. It doesn’t happen on every call but often enough to make me wonder if my phone is being tapped. Surely they don’t still use reel to reel recorders, but that is what I thought of. Some of the people I talk to also have invested in the dinar. Do you suppose that there could be some government agency interested in my dinar conversations? I am very careful about what I say, don’t mention specific numbers or government agencies or politician’s names, and I always live a life of integrity, pay my taxes, and am an exemplary citizen. My phone is a new Android. I took it into the cell phone store where I purchased it and they examined it and of course it wouldn’t do it for them. They said another person brought his in and said it was doing the same thing. I wondered if he was a dinar investor! :D

My fiance and I share a phone plan and she has an Android too. She said the only time she has noticed it on her phone was when she was listening to a PTR conference call.

Have any of you noticed a ticking sound on your phones? Could it be possible that big brother is listening to us dinar investors?

Hisservant “

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  1. Randi68 permalink

    that is hysterical those people are nuts

  2. sickoftheshit permalink

    can you imagine that dumbfuck with millions of dollars…….that right there is reason enough NOT to rv….peace

    • sanjoy permalink

      I cannot imagine any of those people with money. It would be a scary world

    • I would be scared to see the day these quacks get rich! Wal-Mart’s stock would go through the roof!

  3. nancy permalink

    That is only one person stating the phone tapping. You cannot judge the entire group based on one persons comments

    • sickoftheshit permalink

      really nancy???? have you read some of the shit these sheeple say…… this is cult following at its finest…….. MOST of the people that comment on any dinar website(except this one) are fucking retards…….how many times do their LEADERS have to be proven wrong before these idiots get it.

  4. nancy permalink

    Well I disagree some are very intelligent. I agree that some of the peoples opinions are a bit out there but not all of them

    • graphix permalink

      Nancy I think that the PTR members are all retarded. The majority of them can’t spell or even recognize the grammar abortions that come from the so called gurus. Not for anything but do you really think these nitwits have any insider scoop from anyone in banking or gov’t? I think not.

      The “leaders” are just pumping dinar and making commissions, plain and simple. They’re low life scumbags that are now screwing their members for $15 a month. Don’t you think that’s nuts?

      The morons that pay are just that…morons! They will never be able to hold on to their money when/if this shit RVs.

  5. graphix permalink

    Holy shit! Can you imagine the guy at the phone store? He must’ve been like who the fuck is this kook? Maybe he looked at Mr. Paranoid kind of crooked-like and now Mr. Paranoid (Hisservant) thinks it’s some sort of RV code for rate and date. I wish I could find the post…boy I’d love to fuck with his head and tell him I hear clicking too. But only when I “think” about dinar and I have counted the clicks and I think it’s a message from Dinarus, a planet next to Uranus, just behind Scrotumus.

    Most likely if he hears clicking while on a PTR call it’s just “DolphinLady” sending code messages to Dan…after all she’s half mammal and communicates in a frequency only other animals can hear.

    PTR has quite literally infected all these half-wits with a brain virus and they’ve all puked out the little intelligence they had.

    And lastly…what the fuck is with the screen name “Hisservant”? Can someone please talk me off the ledge on this one? Is this train wreck a man whore or another holy roller grease fire?

    By the way, these wangtards will all be bust broke in less than 3 months…mark my words.

  6. sickoftheshit permalink

    nancy please share with us who the smart ones at PTR are…… and please qoute the intel they have brought forward that has been proven……..peace

  7. Graphix & Sickoftheshit, as always I love your posts! The bullshit that comes out of our mouth truly does make me laugh out loud. The dolphinlady comments are the best. She may be squealing like a pig but it’s a code language that only Iraqi’s know. It means RV on Wednesday at $5.25!!!

    What the fuck is really going on people? Seriously!

    I do have a real post I want to make, so I’ll try to do so here in the next 30 minutes or so. Would love some real feedback.

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