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Serious post about a Redomination/LOP

by on June 27, 2011

So I’ve been doing quite a bit of research the last few weeks regarding the Dinar investment many of us have made. Some of these facts and comments are mine and some are a combination of others I respect in the Dinar investment. The only people I listen to are those who are able to back statements up with facts. As everyone probably knows, facts are pretty much unheard of as it relates to the IQD investment.

On PD, PTR etc if you mention anything about a LOP people absolutely flip their lids and call you out for being a Witch. Over the course of the last few weeks I have become more and more concerned with a potential LOP, or for some of you who don’t know this LOP theory, it basically means the removal of 3 zeros from the IQD.  The theory would be that if it lopped, a 25k note is now equal to $25. I’m not even saying it still won’t happen BUT I think there is something more behind the scenes with this LOP that truly isn’t adding up.

Quite a few people have been saying June 30, 2011 is the deadline date to become a member of the WTO and based on research others have done I’m not sure this is accurate.

If we want to see any sort of return (in my humble opinion) they might have to do an in-country LOP first. If they did an in country LOP it would provide more purchasing power for those In Country, but would not make Iraqi citizens instant millionaires. If the the GOI decided to go to $3 rate right off the bat,  then the Iraqi citizens would go from a note worth around $21 to a new note worth $75. A big step in purchasing power. This increase in value alone would pull in a significant amount of the triple zero notes which are in circulation.

So with all that being said I feel there is a small chance to revalue the IQD for out of country investors anytime soon.

Reason being…..Iraq & the IMF cannot allow inflation within the country. If the IQD did RV and the Iraqi people were able to trade their money in for the same amount we hope to turn it in for, it would cause severe inflation. Basically there would be way too much money inside Iraq trying to go after too few goods. Shabibi has already stated that controlling inflation is one of the most critical pieces for stability in Iraq.

I feel that the only way International investors can have an ROI is if there is an in-country LOP. This would mean collecting all large bills and replacing them with small bills. This process could take months or even a year – who knows how long!

After this LOP has taken place then something might happen to the Dinar we hold. I have no idea how or what they will do, but this would be the only way we could be on the better side of the investment.

There is no way Iraq can revalue $28 trillion dinars (which is apparently what they have in circulation) with an exchange rate of $3+ because in theory, that would add another $84 trillion in expenses.

On top of that….I don’t see anything in the 2011 Iraqi budget which would cover the expenses of an RV.

I am no Economist, very far from it, but I’ve taken bits and pieces from various people I think have a clue and put this theory together. It is no doubt a theory but I would love to hear what others think. Please shoot my theory down!

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  1. Anonymous permalink

    i got involved with the dinar after a close freind(brother in law) told me about it ……. and how i better bring him some money that day,and if i was lucky i would recive my dinar before the monday cash in…….THAT WAS THREE YEARS AGO……Anyway after the cashin day came and went a hundred fucking times i started questioning his intel…….ENTER OAKIE……my freind owns a fucking business……and he follows OKIE……ANYWAY after doing my own reserch i believe that iraq will lop and rv at the same time……this gives them a powerful currency and they dont have to pay us fucktards hundreds of billions………. ithink we will make a couple thousnd per million.. hope im wrong…….peace

  2. sickoftheshit permalink

    LOP..THEN RV 3.22 TO 3.50……

  3. dinar4life permalink

    not sure what they will do but i can see how you might think this situation would play out. only time will tell us about tihs investmnet

  4. nancy permalink

    All of the mods say there will be no LOP. I have to believe them based on all the contacts they have in govt positions

    • Dinarista permalink

      Nancy, are you crazy?? I sincerely hope you’re joking.

      WHAT contacts do they have in WHAT government positions? Guess what? The town librarian a government position.

      I worked in D.C. for five years and I GUARANTEE you that these assholes don’t have near the clout, money, or even basic intelligence needed to get close to the a-holes in D.C. Their lies sicken me.

    • You are dead wrong Nancy. There might be a LOP and there might not. Where your wrong is listening to anything those dumb fucks say. ZERO INTEL!

  5. Yeah I guess we’ll see what happens. Many people seem to think it’s almost there. I however do not. I could be wrong but I think this is just another hype session.

  6. sickoftheshit permalink

    nancy… are starting to sound like a fuckin tard… at first i thought you came here a little naive, but now im thinkin you may need the short bus……. these fuckin mods are all boot lickers for their LEADERS . they have NO INTEL……GET IT ….NO INTEL…..they just spit the guru cum out as they are told to do…. they are just wannabe puppets……please open your eyes to this you are starting to sound like a douche…….peace

  7. graphix permalink

    Nancy…they have no intel. I respect your opinion and I hope we can help convince you that these monkey wangs have no idea when the RV will happen or what the rate is. Dan, Tony, DolphinLady, Grip’s Wife, and Elsie know as much about currency as Sponge Bob.

    Don’t believe them and try not to get caught up in the hype. They make $$ on all sales through the dealers. Dan pumps dinar more than his 15 year old wife/cousin.

    • nancy permalink

      Well it really is hard to tell who is right and who is wrong. I like to visit all sites to get a fair and balanced perspective on my investment. Sometimes figuring out the truth is the hardest part.

      • graphix permalink

        I always say go with your gut. If Dan and Tony continue to hype the RV each week like clockwork than my gut tells me either their intel is really bad or they are making commissions off the sales…perhaps both. I think they both have the gift of bullshit and my guess is they figured out a way to profit on the common man’s fantasy of becoming rich overnight. Go and scan through the Dinar Guru website and you’ll see that each week they say the same shit over and over. It’s absolutely mind blowing to think by Monday the retard followers forget what they “claimed” on Thursday and forgive them for fucking up, yet, another weekend.

        I listen to Randy Koonce from Currency Chatter, but he only does a show every 10 days or so. He seems pretty conservative to me and bases most of his info on released articles and info that is factual, etc. It’s certainly not a weekly hype and the site is free. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m not buying reserves based on what he says and no longer feel like I’m in a high wire act without a net.

        I agree with you that the truth is the hardest to figure out. But remember they (all the gurus) haven’t said anything that has come true…so eliminate them. Listen to and/or read stuff that is based in fact, i.e. articles, announcements, etc. It may not be as exciting as the shit they’re selling, but you won’t be strung out like a mental patient waiting for meds that are an hour late. Not saying you’re a kook, just hypothetical.

        Good luck and hang out here with us. We trash the shit out of them because it helps us find the truth and we all hope this thing happens. Shit, I hope it does RV at $3 bucks by June 30. Will I be disappointed? Sure, but I’m less cagey now since I dumped those douche bags. Expect the worst and hope for the best. And when they’re wrong, we’ll ridicule them like a woodpecker on a dead oak and get our frustrations out.

  8. sickoftheshit permalink

    nancy …… its not hard at all to see who is right and who is wrong…..if you have cashed in and are a millionare …then they are right!!!!!!!……if you are broke like the rest of the world … then they are wrong……. simple really…….peace

    • nancy permalink

      yes I do agree with you but you also have to remember that it is not over yet. some are saying we are pretty close and a lot of events have taken place. I must wait and be patient and see what happens

  9. sickoftheshit permalink

    we have been exactly this close for years nancy……… but i hear ya …on day somthin will pop….peace

  10. Horse biscuits permalink

    Nancy, iraq’s banking system is in shambles and their society is not at all used to using any type of banking system. So how can a country RV with billions of dollars in peoples homes and little or no operating electronic banking systems in the private sector. There are way too many AK-47’s on the streets for that! I agree with the sentiment of being your own fact checker and the sniff test on the Guru’s comes back smelling like dead horse ass. Repeating self destructive actions is insanity when expecting a different outcome each time aka an rv. The pumpers in reality should be inspected by the FBI.

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