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PTR Post Banned

by on June 28, 2011

This is a post which was written in response to the June 30 Deadline I put up on the blog a few days ago. This individual was banned from PTR for telling the truth. Anything written on this site stays!!! I could care less if you call me a large pile of dung. Opinions are opinions and that’s it.

This should show everyone just how unfair the PTR mods are.


This is absolutely the BEST dinar site imaginable!!!! I got banned from PTR becuase I have more than two brain cells and started questioning their trash.

Here’s the post that got me banned. I’m very proud of myself for getting banned and wanted to share with all of the normal folks. This happened about a week ago.

“Earlier today I saw a post on here that made sense, so I copied it and sent it to a few friends. It is now gone. Why? Here is the original post:

[b]Exactly. They were just bashing other sites for charging a fee, and now they are doing the same. If this is supposed to be for post RV (round 2) resources, then wouldn’t it make more sense to set this up as a nonprofit as use it as a tax shelter, where most of the money spent on it is a tax deduction? Instead, they want your money. Aren’t they going to be billionaires soon? If the RV is really going to happen, [u][i]why do they need your money[/i][/u]? Why not just set this up as a membership-based nonprofit? It would benefit everyone that way.

The fact that it has not revalued AND that they are choosing NOW to start charging a fee makes we wonder whether about the real intentions surrounding both this site and the hype around revaluation. It has not revalued and now we are being asked to spend money. All of this points to the reality that it will not RV soon and that this site was a business venture all along. It’s crooked and it stinks. Those of you who believe otherwise are either zombies or robots. I’m signing off of here, for good, and I would encourage all of the non-lemmings to do the same.

Dan and Tony’s news WILL NOT make the RV happen sooner (and after today and the announcements of last night, I’m starting to question whether it will RV at all) and WILL NOT help your family in any way, shape or form. There is no reason to PAY FOR THIS. None. If you have an extra 15 bucks a month, spend it on a financial planner in your area OR put it in savings or even buy some dinar (if you’re still drinking the dinar kool-aid). Don’t spend it on this nonsense. Wake up people! THINK![/b]

And I know I’ll be banned over this post and that my post will be deleted. If that happens, then it will just be further proof that I am indeed correct.


So since this was deleted, was this poster correct in their assumptions? From what I’ve seen, it looks like Dan and Tony will be making PLENTY of money from this website. Why would they need to do that if it was really going to RV today? Why not just take donations instead? Why not just be straight from the beginning and tell people that this would eventually be a fee-based site (with some freebies) instead of bashing other people who charge for other sites and then turning around and charging? :mad:

This would all make a whole lot more sense to me if Dan and Tony had been honest from the start. All they had to do was say, “Hey guys, we’ll keep this free as long as we can. But if we’re not all rich by June 15, we’ll have to look into other options to keep this boat floating.” To me, that would show some character.

To pump everyone up and say that the RV was going to happen TODAY, and then launch a fee-based business is just shady, in my opinion.

Can’t wait to see if my post will be deleted, too!”

I thought I’d repost this becuase the more people who get their information and skepticism out on the web, the better. The people who operate these dinar sites (minus this one, of course) are pumpers and liars. They care nothing for their sheeple and despite their denials, THEY ARE MAKING MONEY. Dan and Tony lied when they said they don’t get a commission from Dinar Banker. The woman who runs DinarGuru admitted that she gets a commission, so why wouldn’t Dan and Tony (and all of their stupid mods, too.)

If YOU posted a thread that was deleted, I strongly suggest that you find a place to repost it. Newbies need to see that this isn’t going to happen tomorrow and they need to know that Dan Tony, Okie, Poppy2…. the list goes on and on…. are total frauds. It’s time to get the word out.

This is a SCAM. Is the dinar going to revalue? Hell, I don’t know. Are these assholes making money off dimwitted, hopeless people? Yep.

~ Warmest regards from someone who won’t drink the punch and has had enough of this shit.

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  1. dynastyFL permalink

    It sounds like these people have a serious agenda. It is a shame they are taking advantage of people like this

    • If my mind serves me correct, they used to run another site and then got into some sort of drama queen fight with certain people and started this one.

      Does anyone find it strange that they changed the site name so it has nothing to do with DINAR? What this tells me is that they knew this was going to be a business wayyyyy before and they knew that people would start flocking to them if they provided “INTEL” about the Dinar. They knew that once the Dinar “scam/investment” went away they would have other money making opportunities. These guys are MLM/Ponzi Schemers and that is documented all over the web!

  2. Does anyone remember that fucktard “The Maze” from PTR? He’s always posting videos, drinking Dan & Tony’s jizz. Fuck do I hate that person. Sorry just remembering some people that make me wanna gargle salt water.

  3. graphix permalink

    The Maze is a fuckin’ kook! He’d title his posts something that would guarantee interest like “RV Is Happening Now…Must Watch” and it would be a video of KC and the Sunshine Band singing Shake your Booty. WTF!!

    I fell for it for a time and then I said why the fuck am I reading anything from a mental patient that has an avatar of a blue headed freak?

  4. ha ha ha! that is the same shit I was getting ready to say. He’d try and fool you with some phrase and then it was the dumbest fucking video I’ve ever seen. A complete waste to society!

  5. sickoftheshit permalink

    somebody is gonna get fucked up real soon over all the lies the douche fucks are spreading….. i just hope someone gets it on video…….peace

  6. Dinarista permalink

    I’m the one who made the above post on PTR. Thanks for posting it here. If anyone gets banned or has a post deleted from PTR (or ANY dinar site) becuase you had the balls to post the TRUTH, please post it here. The more posts there are, the more frequently it’ll come up in search engines. I’m hoping the word will get out to the newbies who are taking the time to research this shady investment before drinking the punch.

    The ONLY reason I bought dinar was becuase a co-worker suggested that we get involved. He is an accomplished businessman who has a great track record. Unfortunately, despite ALL of the evidence, he’s STILL following dinar stuff. I guess he’s not as smart as I thought he was.

    There has GOT to be something fraudulent about what Dan and Tony are doing.

    • graphix permalink

      Dinarista…good for you, man. I was tossed for being inquisitive as well. Those kooks attacked me like a bunch of pit bulls in Harlem. Holy fuck was it nuts! They toss the god crap around a lot too which makes me wild because they are the most judgmental fuckwads ever.

      I love the real asswipes that put a quote from the bible as their signature. I think I’ll do the same.

      “Fuck unto others as Dan and Tony have fucked all of you” Thessalonians 12: 1-8

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